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To register with Blue Line Jobs (part of the Red Snapper Group) you will create a Red Snapper Group ID. This ID allows you to manage what details you share with us so that you're always completely in control of your own data.

Red Snapper Group

Basic Information

Please enter your first name
Please enter your last name
Please enter your email address
Please enter at least one contact number
Please enter at least one contact number
Please enter at least one contact number
Please enter a a valid date of birth Many of the positions we recruit for will require a CRB or security clearance application. For this we need your date of birth. If you would rather give this information to us at a later date, please leave this section blank.

Home Address

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General Questions

Accredited Financial Investigator
Please answer this question
Automotive or engineering Profession
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Business Support
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Car Owner
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Child Protection Expertise
Please answer this question
Experience of Working in an MIR
Please answer this question
Experienced & Qualified Trainer
Please answer this question
Experienced Crime Analyst
Please answer this question
Experienced Digital Forensic Investigator
Please answer this question
Experienced Intelligence Analyst
Please answer this question
Experienced Physical Forensic Scientist
Please answer this question
Finance Profession
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Formally Trained Detective
Please answer this question
Former Police Staff
Please answer this question
Former police officer
Please answer this question
HOLMES 2 Trained
Please answer this question
HR Profession
Please answer this question
IT & Digital Profession
Please answer this question
Knowledge of PACE and the codes of practice within
Please answer this question
Legal Profession
Please answer this question
PNC Trained
Please answer this question
Police Experience
Please answer this question
Procurement Profession
Please answer this question
Project Management
Please answer this question
Retired Police Officer
Please answer this question
SOCO / Crime Scene Investigation Experience
Please answer this question
Serving Police Community Support Officer
Please answer this question
Serving or former Police Special
Please answer this question
Serving police officer
Please answer this question
Serving police officer - Near Retirement
Please answer this question
Serving police staff - generalist
Please answer this question
Serving police staff - specialist
Please answer this question
Trained Finger Print Professional
Please answer this question
UK Citizen
Please answer this question

Upload Your CV

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Upload only doc, docx, odt, pdf format file.

Equal opportunities

Why do we need this?
You are not required to provide any equal opportunities data as part of the registration process. You may refuse to provide this information without adverse effect, and where you do provide it may request its deletion or full anonymisation at any time. Any information you do submit will be stored in a secure and pseudonymised state, meaning it will not be tied to your identity or records relating to you, unless you make an explicit request and provide us with consent to access and retrieve it in the event of a complaint. We request this data from candidates registering with us in order to help us promote and protect equal opportunities within employment; ensuring transparency and accountability within our own practices and those we work on behalf of.

Do you consider yourself to have a disability as defined in the Disability Discrimination Act (1995)?

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By ticking this box, I agree to the terms and conditions and to be contacted by the Red Snapper Recruitment team regarding relevant vacancies that I may be interested in.

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I agree to receive marketing emails from trusted 3rd party suppliers in the law enforcement and criminal justice sectors.

By submitting your registration you are signing up to receive job alerts relevant to your registration from the Red Snapper Group. You can manage these preferences and unsubscribe at any point during your registration.