To register with Blue Line Jobs (part of the Red Snapper Group) you will create a Red Snapper Group ID. This ID allows you to manage what details you share with us so that you're always completely in control of your own data.
Are you sure you want to disable your account?
Disabling your account means you will not be contacted about jobs, you won’t be able to apply for jobs on our sites or read the latest policing news.
If instead you just want to stop receiving so many newsletters please select the Unsubscribe From Everything option and you won’t receive anything else from us.
If you are sure you want to disable your account then please contact us to delete it by emailing or call 020 3119 3300
Important: Please bear in mind that if you have ever worked for Red Snapper Recruitment Ltd. we are required to keep certain information for 5 years. If you wish to discuss this retention of data please contact us.